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The desirables mustahabaat of Namaaz

Date published: 30 June 2022
Topic: Fiqh



'If you do good it will be for yourself..'

(Surah Bani Israel. verse 7)


Desirable acts make Namaaz more perfect. However, there is no sin if these acts are missed in Namaaz.


1.    Looking at the place where you would make sajda when in qiyam.

2.    Looking at the feet when you are in ruku.

3.    Looking at the tip of the nose when you are in sajda.

4.    Looking at your lap when you are in qa'dah.

5.    Looking at your shoulders when making salaam.

6.    Avoid coughing during Namaaz.

7.    Avoid yawning during Namaaz.

8.    To recite the tasbeeh more than three times in ruku and sajda (in odd numbers 5, 7 9..).

9.    To stand up for Namaaz when the mukabbir says hayya alal falah (for both the imaam and the muqtadee).

10. 'To start Namaaz when the mukabbir says qad qamati salaah (the Namaaz has began).

11. 'To recite durood Ibraheem where durood is to be recited.